Consumers who have the means of purchasing food produced in quantities have been advised to do so because there is going to be a food shortage in the country in the coming months.

According to the Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana, “consumers should purchase food items like maize, rice, millet, among others and store them because the prices are going to escalate”.

The Head of Programmes and Advocacy for Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana, Dr. Charles Nyaaba, gave the advice in an interview on 3FM’s Sunrise on Monday, March 14.

Dr. Nyaaba was speaking about the cost of living and the price hikes in the country, especially fuel prices.

“Those consumers who can buy and stock for 2023 and beyond should start doing so. I will advise them to buy things like maize, rice, millet; the prices are going to escalate because we are not getting fertilizer.”

Dr. Nyaaba said “increase in fuel prices have increased the cost of tractor services, while prices of other inputs have gone up”.

“Ghana should find a way to increase budget allocation to fertilizer subsidies. Things are hard now but if they can afford, they should buy and stock.”
